Friday, October 2, 2009


A- Is for awesome because thats the way I am to people

B- Is for baking because I love baking goodies

C- is for Collins my last name

D-Is for Dominique his my best friend

E-Is for Elizabeth my middle name

F-Is for Frank my uncles name

G-Is for my brothers last name

H- Is for Hills have eyes my favorite scary movie

I- Is for Ice cream which I love the most

J- Is for Joyce my Mothers Frist name

K-Is for Kay that were I get my jewerly

L-Is for Leslie my frist name

M- is for Mark my best friend in the whole world

N-Is for Nicole my sisters middle name

O-Is for Oddumbers that I hate

P- Is for Partys that I love going to

Q-Is for Quiz's that I hate when my teachers give me

R-Is for Rodney my other brother

S- Is for Stevenson High School which I go to

T-Is for Tutles the slowest sea creature

U-Is for Untouchables as we learend in social studies

V-Is for Vikings that live in the Country

W- Is for Wagon were I pull my Nicecn and Newphe in

X-Is for Xerox meaning the processing to copy documents in Xerography

Y-Is for Yake is to leave an auto messages

Z-Is for Zero the number I love


  1. oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! ik where vikings from we learned yesterday in history theyre from scandinavia!
